The Cutest Cowboy this side of the Great Wall

The Cutest Cowboy this side of the Great Wall
Giddy Up Horsey!!!!

God Our Father

Before every family meal we pray together. Jon Campbell up until recently has choosen the pray and lead it most meals. He has a little competition now which is very sweet to see. Jin has memorized his first blessing and can say it very clearly all by himself. " God our Father, God our Father, once again, once again, we bow our heads to thank you, bow our heads to thank you Amen, Amen."

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Journal Entry- Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hello Friends, Happy Tuesday!

It is hard to believe, but we are already counting down the days in China, the trip is quickly coming to a close in just a few more days. Today our Guide, Susan, had our appointments at the Consulate and all went well. We signed the visa application and it started to be processed today. As tomorrow is Veteran's Day in the US the American Consulate also has the day off thereby delaying us a day! On Thursday, we will take the oath for Jin and then be on our way home, via Shanghai, on Friday!

We are not quite sure about this Mom?!

Walking across a swinging bridge is cool!
I just wish it were cooler outside :)

"It's not fair.  Lily has longer legs."

Today was another slow day due to the need to be available for paperwork. This morning we took the children to a nearby park that covered a couple of hundred acres. It was large and lush with semi-tropical foliage. Here fichus trees grow as large as maples at home! There were many things to see in the park and things for the children to do. However, the heat was stifling and hung around us like a wet wool blanket. Pictured above is Jin with his friend, Lily, on their first little kiddie roller coaster ride. They had fun, despite the heat. By 12:30 we retreated to the comforts of our hotel room to cool off in the luxurious air conditioning. A person could easily get used to 5 stars....but you know, as nice as it is, there is no place like home.

We had lunch at McDonalds and somehow managed to order 3 Big Mac meals instead of the #3 Big Mac meal...oh well, something to laugh about! Also, above is a picture of our Papa John's pizza from last night just as proof.... Tonight we were treated to a Manchurian meal, the distinctive feature was lots of red peppers! At the center of the photo you will see a large HOT pot of fish.

Eggplant- Chinese style
Another dish was of mushrooms which one menu described as black fungus. Appetizing! The tea tonight was very distinctive, made of barley. It tasted rather like diluted soy sauce. It has been interesting to try the various regional Chinese specialties and the subtle nuances of the different areas. Every one of them does rice and noodles differently, for example.

As we walked to the restaurant tonight we passed a "fish mongers" which displayed the various fish, turtles, eels, bugs, and ducks on the stoop in large tanks and cages all very much alive and breathing! I just don't like to have to apologize to my dinner before eating it....

If only a duck could squeeze thru one of these holes.

Face it guys, there is no way out.

Ahoy mates!

Our big adventure today was a night time boat trip along the Pearl River in a wooden boat, a replica of a traditional Junk. It was really beautiful to see the city lit up in all its multicolored splendor; many of the buildings have beautiful lights and light shows on them; many, many colors of "neon." Jin loved the boat ride too as he sat still and memorized for one hour. We traveled only a few miles of the 2,100 KM distance of the Pearl but enjoyed the coolness of the water and the fantastic architecture of the city. By the way, Guangzhou is a city of 16 plus million people. Just as we got off it started to rain and rain pretty good. This was the first rain we have seen in China and is a welcome break from the heat.

We had an interesting incident in Starbucks the other day that we forgot to relate. While waiting Adele and Jin struck up a conversation with a young Chinese woman who spoke remarkably good English (having learned it from TV!) She asked Jin where he was from, which province. When it was answered Gansu she then asked him if he was of the Gansu people, to which he replied, "No, I'm American!" So they taught him something in the orphanage! Actually, there are 56 minority groups in China, but Jin is from the majority people group, the Han. His province, having once been important on the Silk Road, had a number of Romans 2000 years ago, that interbred with the locals. So some have said they see Roman in his face. I guess that is all speculation. But I do know that on Thursday he really is American!

Blessings to you all,
The Holloways

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