The Cutest Cowboy this side of the Great Wall

The Cutest Cowboy this side of the Great Wall
Giddy Up Horsey!!!!

God Our Father

Before every family meal we pray together. Jon Campbell up until recently has choosen the pray and lead it most meals. He has a little competition now which is very sweet to see. Jin has memorized his first blessing and can say it very clearly all by himself. " God our Father, God our Father, once again, once again, we bow our heads to thank you, bow our heads to thank you Amen, Amen."

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Jin's right foot update

DAFO Tami2

     Jin is roughly 2 weeks away from receiving some relief and stability for his right foot.  After meeting with an orthopedic surgeon and viewing his x rays the best course of action will be a custom designed foot insert shown above.  Jin chose, with the assistance of Jon Campbell, a spaceship theme with blue and yellow straps and padding plus some Scooby Doo mixed in .  He will place his foot in this Dafo Tami2 and then it will fit into inside his shoe.  Currently, he has complete motion and flexibility of his ankle.  This insert will allow that to continue which is essential to his everyday activity.  One would never know that he is missing all 5 of his toes on his right foot until.... his shoe flips completely around or jets striaght up.  Many people have to do a double take, "Did I just see what I thought I saw?"  Jin runs, skips, jumps and dances like any 4 year old just minus 5 toes.  He has learned to compensate and adjust and that he does beautifully.  The orthopedic surgeon believe he will be fine for years until he becomes an adult and the existing cartilage wears away.  Surgery will then be needed.  Until that point and as long as he experiences no pain, life will gone on fine.  This insert will provide stability and a filler for his shoe to aid in balance.
     Monday was his casting appointment.  A cast is needed to make the insert according to his exact foot shape and formation.  I was unsure how he would react.  Again, Mama worried for no reason.. He was perfect and the process was complete in 30 minutes.

A nylon sock was placed on his foot.  Then the tubing inserted. 
The tubing is used to make the cast removal safe and simple.   

Wet gauze coated with a hardening substance is wrapped
around his foot and up a portion of his leg.  Jin had to
keep his foot still and not flexed for the
 cast to dry in the proper position.

Within minutes his cast was dry and ready to come off. 
Hopefully this first try will be right.  Mr. Matt used a
blade rather than a saw.  He did not want the sound
of the saw to scare Jin.

Jin and Mr. Matt Bulow of Bulow Biotech Prosthetics 

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